Odd Reasons behind Zionist aggression

There is side to the spiritual aspect of Zionism, Personally, I regard that it is the action to revive from the past of Talmudic lore and theology. The Jews desire and struggle of owning Jerusalem implies a discovery. It could be shown by their action before establishing of the country and acknowledged by the United Nation. Their accession of forming the financial bridges and to a great extent the intellectual links among the nations of the world, the Zionist intellectuality is the harbinger of universal peace, and this should be the highest goal of their mission as a chosen people.
Their ambition of depriving the Arabs from their right is not discarded and undesirable by the world, they even tried to make Palestine as Jewish as England is English and America is American. If this objective is obtained by them what will be the rights of the Arabs? Before declaration, the Arabs and the Jews lived peacefully and amicably together in Palestine.
Their ambition of depriving the Arabs from their right is not discarded and undesirable by the world, they even tried to make Palestine as Jewish as England is English and America is American. If this objective is obtained by them what will be the rights of the Arabs? Before declaration, the Arabs and the Jews lived peacefully and amicably together in Palestine.
The British authority in Jerusalem doesn't give a mark to both Palestinian as well as Zion; their untruth pledge to both communities had tear up the hope of Jerusalem to be the peaceful and friendly manner as they have always done in the past.
The declaration given by United Nation to promote the establishment of Israel as a country actually doesn't satisfy the world, the implication of disagreement assertion for the establishment is indescribable, what will be the fate for the Arabs Palestine? And what will be their future? It is realizable, that the neighborly and friendly relations between the two most distinguished of Semitic people will be revived and strengthened and then made the basis for greater cooperation. But now, it seems only the dream and irreconcilable.
The Jews as a nation have ceased to exist two thousand years ago. A pure Jewish race is a figment of the imagination. But there are a Jewish people of many races representing a historical continuity of religious belief.
With the leading power assessment owned now a day by the Israel (Zionist), they had further better plan in their strengthening, from the whole of aspects politics, economy, social, and technology. The Zionist technology is the peculiar innovation and feared by the world today. But, in the narrow situation of survive in Jerusalem for the Palestinian "No one" seems to have deal a big favour for them to revive and regain their rights. And the Zionist would never allow the establishment of Palestine.
By the fact, we could see the aggression done by Jewish does not apply to only Jerusalem as the historical place and scarce place of three major group communities, but also to the world as well.
Written By Romi Adetio S
Graduate Student of Aligarh Muslim University, India.
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