West Bank and Gaza Strip, the Place of Blood Shed

The uprising in both place West Bank and Gaza Strip against the Israelian occupation were first begun in December 1987, which was known by the Palestinian as intifada "shaking off". Its hallmark being the image of the unarmed youth throwing the stone to the Israeli shoulders, the Israel with the arm continues their occupation from Gaza up to West Bank and procured many civilians including women and children. The intifada lasted until 1993 when in response to the uprising, the Oslo accords were drawn up between Israeli and Palestinian negotiators.
On 28 September 2000, Ariel Sharon the leader of the Israeli right-wing LIKUD party visited al-Haram al-Sharif, the third holy place of Islam and Muslim in all over the world, (Temple Mount), in Jerusalem. The aim is to provoke the Palestinian, especially because Sharon was accompanied by one thousand armed shoulders. The result was killing of many civilians.
Even though, the negotiation is built up but there is the continuing accession by the Israeli militant in the land of Palestine. Israel extended its policy of restricting the movement of Palestinians, and of establishing checkpoints where Palestinians experienced humiliation. Israel also continued to demolish homes and to uproot and burn olive and fruit trees, as a form of collective punishment and for security reasons.
On 28 September 2000, Ariel Sharon the leader of the Israeli right-wing LIKUD party visited al-Haram al-Sharif, the third holy place of Islam and Muslim in all over the world, (Temple Mount), in Jerusalem. The aim is to provoke the Palestinian, especially because Sharon was accompanied by one thousand armed shoulders. The result was killing of many civilians.
Even though, the negotiation is built up but there is the continuing accession by the Israeli militant in the land of Palestine. Israel extended its policy of restricting the movement of Palestinians, and of establishing checkpoints where Palestinians experienced humiliation. Israel also continued to demolish homes and to uproot and burn olive and fruit trees, as a form of collective punishment and for security reasons.
Sharon became Israel's Prime Minister on 6 February 2001. A proponent of greater Israel, an architect of the settlement, and an opponent of the Oslo process. He proceeded with broad public support, to use harsh measures against the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. In response to Palestinian violence, he initiated a policy of assassinations, euphemistically called "targeted killings", of suspected terrorists leaders, but which included activist and innocent bystanders. He reoccupied major Palestinian cities, using helicopter gunships, warplanes and tanks. Some of Sharon's methods were condemned by both Human Right group and United States.
The intifada was costly to the Palestinians, Israel, and the United States during the first thirty months. Some strategies including Palestinian analysts, considered the militarization of the intifada to be a blunder. The Oslo process was destroyed, the Palestinian economy damaged, and the PA areas occupied. Sharon's harsh measures cost the lives of over 2000 Palestinians, of who most were civilians, including about 275 children. In addition, the Palestinians lost much popular, moral, and diplomatic support around the world. The intifada also cost the lives of over 700 Israelis, most of whom were civilians.
Written By Romi Adetio S
Graduate Student of Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
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